
Required Listening: MUSE

I don't know how many of you do this, but often when assembling an outfit or stepping into my closet for inspiration I play theme-music of some sort to help influence the pairings I may decide upon. Some days it may be the old-school classical "swing" of Bach, and some days it may be the fantastic raw gritty offerings of Tom Waits at his most experimental. I gave up on using Johnny Cash for dressing inspiration, because it almost always leads to an all black outfit (I know... hardy friggin' har). Music selection depends on what I'm dressing for, and it depends on my mood. I'll keep you updated periodically on music that is influential to me (whether or not you could give a rat's patoot). Today I offer a theme-music suggestion for you at home. You'll have to decide what kind of event this music will be best suited for, but keep an open mind. It may give your work-wear the necessary stylistic kick in the seat of the pants.

I have long been a fan of British neo-rock band MUSE, but with the praise their new album The Resistance is garnering, MUSE is bridging the gap from cult-following to household name. Everything they record is fantastic, and they always sound perfect live as well, thanks to programming all of their sounds and effects to perfection into the live performance version of ProTools so that the blistering guitar tone, pulsating bass, dream-like keyboards and slamming percussion you hear on their albums is unadulterated during live play. Their sound is stunning. If you saw their performance on MTV's Video Music Awards last week, you'll agree with me.

Throw MUSE on when you're going through the closet next time and see where the music takes you. Here is their latest for your viewing/listening pleasure, Uprising. The words to this one ring very true to me as well, but that's an entirely different topic, and an entirely different blog. No one wants to read about the threat of a socialistic government on a style blog, right? ...oops... I said it.

Until Next Time,



Dreadded_One said...

Ummm...this is the first time I've EVER heard of using music as an inspiration of what to wear. I know of many people who like to get dressed while music is playing, but other than that, this is brand new.

I don't think I can try this because my wardrobe is not diversified enough to accomplish this and some music I just would not be able to visualize the garments based on the song.

Interesting perspective though....

Paul Walters said...

The key in doing this is not overthinking it. It you play a song and consciously say, "I'm going to dress the way this song sounds"... well, without having some acid nearby that may be difficult. The use of music to affect mood, however, and therefore influence your wardrobe decisions, is easier to do. Sometimes the syncopation of sounds in a song may visually manifest themselves in a pattern on a tie. The wail of an overdriven guitar part may influence a splash of color in your pocket square. Perhaps it's only because I'm a musician that I do this, but start with the way a song makes you feel and go from there. Thanks for reading.