Hello, Again...
Dear readers, I write to you today with great embarrassment as it has been 12 days since my last post. I offer my most humble apology; I haven't any excuses, but reasons why abound, including an out-of-town trip and a lot of time in a new administrative position at my day job. Other than this brief contrition, I'd like to jump right back in to things where we left off.
Today I thought I'd touch on plaids. Since we are entering the time when much ado is made about spring, lets hold on to what little bit of the cooler months we have left, shall we?
Very popular this fall/winter season has been the Scottish Black Watch tartan in trousers, scarfs, shirts, and the like. The Black Watch tartan is representative of the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, an infantry batallion whose darkly colored tartan coupled with their charge of "watching" the highlands made way for the coining of the name "Black Watch". The colors look great together, too. Rich greens, blues, and black make the Black Watch perfect for clothing and accessories... at least many designers have thought so this year.

I myself picked up a tie in the Black Watch, and decided to pair it with a shirt with a fine Glen plaid weave. I thought it to be a nice little juxtaposition of patterns, and similar patterns, nonetheless. Photos are included, and the second one enlarges quite nicely!
What makes this plaid on plaid combo work, of course, is the subtle scale of the Glen plaid sitting as a backdrop to the bolder presence of the Black Watch.
Yes, my post is but a tidbit today, and I am going to get back on schedule. Thanks for bearing with me!
You sure been gone for a while. I mean I also went out of town but I left a note for my readers. Do so next time.
On that note, welcome back.
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